Monday 2 May 2011


Good Morning dearest Blog Readers and thank you very much for popping in to see me. I do hope you are all having a lovely bank holiday.

Professor Atticus came to see us today and he is so interesting, he has travelled the world and reads a lot of books.

He always says with gusto with his specs perched on the end of his little pink nose.. 'Share your knowledge, it's a way to achieve immortality!'

I wasn't sure what he meant and he is always very kind and speaks tabby fluently so translated to me it means if you know a whole load of stuff but keep it to yourself, what's the good of that if you snuffs it and nobody got to learn anything from you.

Today he talked about Totem Poles and we thought we would make a Live Totem. Fearless Rat went at the top held up by little Angus who has conquered his fear of heights.

The Piglet Possy are still a cheeky rabble but they take good care of their Mum now and have been teaching their Godmother Jemmy Jim Jams  the Art of Rap Music..

Open your mind to new things and as always watch your whiskers out there.

Bless you all and cheerie-pip.

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